Being inspired by my daughter’s name… I decided to make Greek God and Goddess halloween costumes this year. My son went as the Greek Titan God Oceanus and my daughter went as the Greek Titaness Goddess Theia. The costumes were absolutely adorable and super comfy for baby and toddler!
For inspiration, I looked at images of the Titans and Titanesses depicted in ancient art. There are not many images of Theia available online, so I decided to use her daughter (Goddess Selene) as inspiration for the costume. I modeled the waves on Oceanus’ cape after the woodlblock print, The Great Wave of Kanagawa, by Hokusai. It is one of my favorite works of art (I have a lot of favorites). My husband and I complemented our kids’ costumes by wearing gold leaf crowns. I was Gaia and my husband was Uranus, the primal god and goddess personifying sky and earth. I loved doing a little historical research for these costumes! Greek mythology is so dynamic and imaginative!
Components + Credit
- photos – Erin Catlin
- costumes – Erin Catlin
- blue metallic leggings – American Apparel
- star halo – Potluck Store
- oceanus image – Helen Miles Mosaics
- selene image – Moonipulations
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